It's almost that time of year again: time for little Zach or Madison's birthday, and for all the attendant worries and hassles. Time for the usual whining and gift-grubbing, for tedious visits from relatives, and for sugar-amped kids running rampant through the house. Although birthdays will always be a stressful time of year, baking and decorating the perfect children's birthday cake doesn't have to be. This article will help give you some great birthday cake ideas that you can use year after year, child after child.
Animal Cakes: The younger set will especially enjoy a cake decorated to resemble their favorite animal. Kittens, puppies, pandas, and teddy bears are classic favorites. An easy way to decorate an animal-themed children's birthday cake is to use two round layers. Use the first round cake as the animal's head, and cut the second round cake to make ears and other features.
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